"I really see now how important it was for me to do SOHK at that exact time.  It was part of a longer journey... I was able to push myself much further than ever before because of the boxing."

When Kasia first attended School of Hard Knocks, it was immediately obvious that her confidence was at a low point. Although she was a qualified architect with a Masters degree, she was also very quiet and unassuming and had been unemployed for some time. We later found out that she had left the industry because she could not find a firm who
reflected her philosophy of architecture and had subsequently been involved in a nasty accident, which had left her at rock bottom.

Right from the beginning of the course, Kasia began to find her feet and grow in stature. She showed a steely determination throughout the programme and really came out of her shell. The improvement in her self-perception and outlook was a game-changer for her.

“I realised I had everything I needed behind me already. I just needed to train my mind in the right way.”

Once the programme finished, Kasia was in a better place but still without a job. We were therefore absolutely delighted when she secured an interview with a major architectural company, which is the only firm in the world with decades of experience in Kasia’s own approach to architecture. Within two months, Kasia had landed her dream job and is now a brilliantly happy, smiling and content person.