Earlier this month School of Hard Knocks held its first ever online auction. We had some incredible lots on offer such as the 2016 Calcutta Match Balls, an hour with rugby legend Sam Warburton and our most popular auction item - a signed Finn Russell shirt. 

200 or so bids later and we are thrilled to announce that SOHK's Summer Auction has raised a grand total of £20,000, thanks to your amazing support! These funds will go towards empowering individuals facing social inequality and ensuring that no child or adult is ever left behind.

SOHK Summer Auction Funds Raised

One of School of Hard Knocks' guiding principles is the power of the team; when a group of individuals come together to work towards a common purpose, there are no limits to what can be achieved. We want to thank you for being a part of the School of Hard Knocks team, for making our first online auction a success, for helping us to spread our message and raise funds that will truly change the lives of those facing social inequality. We simply could not do what we do without your support.