Life is an uneven playing field
We help level it out


of Schools Participants reported that they feel more confident in their abilities


of Schools Participants reported that they feel more engaged at school


of Schools Participants reported that they feel more hopeful for the future

SOHK Schools Programme

The SOHK Schools Programme consists of 2-3 hours of a unique combination of rugby-based sessions, specialist mentoring and indoor group discussion. Combined with the stability and consistency of the relationships that our staff build with the young people, SOHK enables participants to make positive changes to their behaviours, attitudes and mindset and gives them the ability to recognise their personal growth. We focus change on The 5Cs: Confidence, Control, Commitment, Communication & Cohesion



Latest news

  • Thomas' Story

    “Can you stay until I leave school in S6?”. Thomas' relationship with his SOHK mentors was not always so good. Before SOHK, he was struggling at school and was often disruptive, but learning rugby helped Thomas flourish and improve his behaviour and wellbeing. Read more

  • Jorge's Story

    “When this 6”5 man broke down in floods of tears in a park on an SOHK course, it was clear that the tipping-point had finally been reached.” Read about Jorge's transformation from hardship and homelessness to employment and security. Read more

  • Josie's Interview

    Read about Josie's experience volunteering with SOHK Wales at Maesteg School and how it has helped her navigate the next few steps on her career path. Read more

Latest events

  • SOHK's Six Hour Rugby Challenge

    Looking for something different to do with your rugby club, family and friends this summer? How about playing touch or tag rugby for SIX hours? With rolling subs of course! Read more