For the price of your morning coffee, you can help us level the playing field.

£3 a month won't take you too far these days, maybe a coffee or a cheap pint? But for SOHK, this small amount has the potential to transform the lives of hundreds of children, across the UK. In fact, giving just £3 a month over the course of one year will provide two mentoring sessions for a child who is at risk of school exclusion. Please sign up today. 

It is time to level the playing field. Become a friend of SOHK and you will join a growing army of supporters, committed to giving vulnerable children and disadvantaged adults a better chance in life. 

We need the support of people who believe in our mission. Without you, we cannot sustain the life-changing work we do.

Become a Regular Giverthis is a page post 

How far your money goes

For every £1 donated to School of Hard Knocks, we spend at least 87 pence on supporting adults and children create better futures for themselves, through expert coaching and mentoring.

“I’d always worked. From a young age I’ve always had a job. Not working was alien to me. Over time I became embarrassed around friends and former colleagues. They were very understanding and encouraging but I found myself avoiding social events. I was embarrassed and became isolate

Why donate monthly?

Our work is all about making a lasting impact on the lives of the adults and children we work with.

Any donation is amazing for SOHK and we are very grateful to everyone who donates. However, the only way to plan for the future with confidence is to have a predictable income, which is why regular giving is so important.

We know that a monthly donation is a big commitment and that is why we are only asking for £3 each month. Ultimately, a small gift at a regular interval is often more valuable than a larger, one-off donation.

By making a monthly donation, you will become a part of this long-term work, helping us create futures and change lives.