We are delighted to announce that Comic Relief will be funding School of Hard Knocks’ Reaching Your Potential (RYP) project for three years.

Reaching Your Potential is a new programme that starts in May 2020 and seeks to improve individuals’ mental and physical health through sport and counselling from expert psychotherapists.

A couple of years ago our team in Wales were finding that more and more participants on our Adult Courses were experiencing mental health issues. The need for us to adapt our courses to allow for more tailored mental wellbeing support became increasingly apparent, and thus Reaching Your Potential was created. 

This project is a slight departure from the way in which SOHK usually runs its adult courses. Whilst our participants in Wales have always had access to behavioural specialists, the RYP project will ensure that they also have access to counselling from psychotherapists and signposting from mental health professionals. RYP also aims to minimise unhealthy life choices being passed from generation to generation through various sporting and non-sporting activities.  

We are delighted to have received funding from Comic Relief's 'Ahead of the Game' fund, which seeks bring about positive social change for individuals and communities through the intentional use of sport and physical activity, and can’t wait for the Reaching Your Potential programme to begin. It will reach 240 men and women across three years enabling them to reach their potential, improve their mental wellbeing and lead healthy, happy and active lives. We will be sure to keep you updated on how the programme develops.