Trying Together Challenge

The Trying Together Challenge is a 3 hour game of continuous touch rugby - with rolling subs of course! This event is designed to engage students, foster community spirit, and raise funds so that School of Hard Knocks’ can run its Schools Programme in more deprived areas. Read on to find out why this event is a perfect fit for your school. Read more

Trying Together

School of Hard Knocks (SOHK) works with over 30 schools in high areas of deprivation across the UK. We are looking for a number of Independent Schools to become SOHK Educational Partners so that no child is left behind due to a lack of funding. Read more

The SOHK Honours Board

School of Hard Knocks takes pride in recognising the outstanding contributions of our generous donors who have played a pivotal role in supporting our mission. Our Honours Board celebrates their remarkable commitment to our beneficiaries. Read more

Make nurturing tomorrow's future leaders your business

School of Hard Knocks works with 37 schools across the UK. We are looking for a number of businesses to become SOHK Corporate Partners so that no child is left behind due to a lack of funding. Read more

Our Psychology

All of School of Hard Knocks' activities are underpinned by the 5Cs. The 5Cs framework was originally developed by Dr Chris Harwood and Dr Karl Steptoe as a coaching methodology for youth football that incorporated life skill development. Over the years School of Hard Knocks has drawn on this evidence-based practice and applied it to both Adult Courses and Schools Programmes. SOHK’s 5Cs is a framework that seeks to improve individuals’ confidence, commitment, communication, control and cohesion. Read more

Our History

School of Hard Knocks (SOHK) was set up by Ken Cowen in 2009 and established as a not-for-profit organisation in 2012. Initially set up to help individuals find and sustain employment, SOHK has developed significantly over the years in order toadapt to society's ever-changing landscape. Read more

Christmas Jumper Day

Get your work or school involved with some festive fundraising and hold a Christmas Jumper Day in aid of School of Hard Knocks. A £2 donation from 100 people goes a very long way. Read more

SOHK Summer Touch

On Saturday 6th June, School of Hard Knocks (SOHK) will be hosting a mixed touch rugby tournament at Rosslyn Park RFC in aid of our life-changing work. This is a fantastic opportunity for your business to meaningfully combine staff wellbeing, CSR, networking and team bonding. The tournament will be formed of ten teams of up to 13 players of mixed gender - and to spice things up a little, each team will be given an international player for the day! Read more

SOHK Mens West London Boxing Course 2019

SOHK Mens West London Boxing Course 2018 at the Westway Centre, rebuilt after the Grenfell Tower fire. Read more

The SOHK Huddle: Scotland Schools

The SOHK Huddle provides an overview of our successes and participant stories. This month we're focusing on Scotland Schools. Read more

SOHK Welsh 6 Nations Dinner

Catryn Grundy, SOHK Wales Programme Director gives her take on the success one of SOHK Wale's largest fundraising events. Read more